  • Hanoi City
  • Associate
  • Calling.svg(+84) 364 260 088

Mr. To Vu Nhat Minh, LL.M.  is a Vietnamese-qualified legal specialist who prides himself on having extensive experience in a variety of sectors such as aviation and shipping, insurance, re-insurance, marine, and international trade. Mr. Minh also possesses experience in all forms of dispute resolution, from the court to ADR methods.

Mr. Minh is establishing a name for himself in Admiralty Law. He has accrued extensive experience in handling collisions as well as other marine and aviation incidents, salvage and wreck removal, total loss and GA claims, groundings, and the arrest and release of vessels.

Mr. Minh is part of the Class of 2023 at Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law. He graduated with honors and was conferred the Master of Laws Degree in May 2023. His major is laws in corporate and commerce, among which emphasis is put on (i) International Business Transactions, (ii) US Law regarding Secured Interests (Security for transactions, Probate, Judicial lien settlements, etc.).

20 July 2023 to date: Associate of ANHISA LLC

Assists in case handling and client Management for high-profile clients across various sub-sectors of Admiralty Law. The range includes handling negotiations in claims for loss as well as damage to cargo; charterparty disputes, as well as salvage and general average

January 2022 – July 2022: Paralegal at Rajah & Tann LCT Lawyers.

Specialized in corporate and trade matters, ranging from simple licensing to international trade facilitation. Time was cut short because of admission to LL.M. program.

November 2020 – December 2021: Associate at Leadco Legal Counsel.

Assists in case handling for clients across a wide range of subjects, among them corporate, investment, and trade.

September 2018 – November 2019: Intern at RHTLaw TaylorWessing Vietnam