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Anhisa shall assist you to navigate through your troubles

The firm’s annual promotion of associates includes exceptional lawyers who have built vibrant practices.

Negotiation and other forms of ADR

Negotiation may be an overlooked part of dispute resolution, yet we have long been welcoming the potential, effective and flexible aspect of negotiation and other forms of ADR. We appreciate the friendliness, amicability and competence of negotiation and other forms of ADR as another pathway to resolve your dispute.   

We understand that in the business world, reputation and partnership is of utmost significance. A lawsuit or arbitration may adversely affect longstanding partnership or wither the potential companionship among the parties. Yet by elicit the goodwill and mending spirit from the parties through negotiation and other amicable form of ADR, the dispute can be rewritten inversely.  

When taking the costs, time and inherent risks into assessment, the day-to-day commotions among the businesses of all kinds are not precisely fit for actions in courts and arbitration. Meanwhile, negotiation and other amicable ADR forms can swiftly, cost-effectively, and privately resolve your disputes with low to no risks. We promote our service of negotiation and other forms of ADR as one of our firm’s core services to assist businesses finding the same voice on different sides of the table.  

With that understanding in mind, we have built a team of skillful negotiators and established a reputation within the local and international business community, especially in the shipping sector. Our service is honorably certified by being selected as the foremost choice for cases in our jurisdiction. We are, relentlessly and progressively, training, practicing, and perfecting our service in negotiation and other forms of ADR to tailor for each and every case requested by our clients.   

With our comprehensive and extensive service in negotiation and other forms of ADR, we hope to assist your business to flourish with handshakes across the tables.   



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Anhisa shall assist you to navigate through your troubles

The firm’s annual promotion of associates includes exceptional lawyers who have built vibrant practices.


© 2022 Anhisa LLC