

Our practices cover all fields of shipping, including charterparties. Once there is a note of discordance in your dealing with charterparties, our lawyers are here to help.  

The charterparties anchor at the heart of the shipping practice, with risks of disputes and commotions arising out of any stage during the contract. Be it demurrage, freight or off-hire, the sophisticated and delicate nature of charterparties would always be a challenge for all shipping practitioners.  

Our lawyers, with the practical experience and vast knowledge, shall assist Owners, Charterers and all related parties in settle charterparties dispute efficiently and professionally. With the view to protect your time, cost and reputation, we strive to offer the optimal solution for your concerns.  

We have assisted all parties with charterparty dispute with: 

  • Reviewing charterparties: a pre-emptive caution is a better measure. With our advice and review of your charterparties, you are well protected from the undesirable claims, and your ships shall sail in smooth waters.  
  • Resolving charterparty disputes: negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or meditation, we are all qualified to resolve your disputes. We have represented parties before all courts and tribunals, advising on the tactics and strategies to settle the disputes, or even become the mediators and arbitrators facilitating the handshake of the parties.  
  • Resolving claims: we are acquainted with cargo claims, bunker claims, laytime and demurrage claims, non-payment of hire/freights and liens, off-hire claims, cancellation and termination claims, hull fouling and damage claims, and so on. We are helping foreign and local shipowners, charterers and relevant parties to overcome such claims.  
  • Ship arrest and release: we offer a fast, effective, and accurate work of ship arrest and release. International and local waters alike, we are praised for our efficiency and forthcoming attitude. Your directions shall be our mandate to serve.  

As the shipping world is moving forward, our service shall help you sail without worry of legal risks! 

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Anhisa shall assist you to navigate through your troubles

The firm’s annual promotion of associates includes exceptional lawyers who have built vibrant practices.


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