October 24, 2022
On 24 October 2022, our Managing Partner, Mr. Dang Viet Anh, joined the Japan Arbitration Association Seminar (JAA) held by Japan Arbitration Association and supported by Mori Hamada & Matsumoto at Osaka. In the seminar, he, other colleagues at ANHISA, and Japanese lawyers have the opportunity to discuss arbitration popularity, enforcement of arbitral awards, training, and mediation potentiality in Vietnam. The seminar consists of three parts: Specific features of Vietnam International Arbitration Centre (VIAC) rules, Arbitration practice in Vietnam, and Q&A session respectively.
In the seminar, lawyer Dang Viet Anh, a potential arbitrator of VIAC, introduced VIAC’s general information, caseload, and typical international arbitration procedure with his enthusiasm. Furthermore, our Managing Partner shared his valuable experience and knowledge about the enforcement of VIAC and foreign arbitral awards such as enforcement agency, the method to save time and cost for the parties, and enforcement procedure. Last but not least, training courses for arbitrators and mediation practice in Vietnam also play an essential role in his presentation.
As we all know arbitration and dispute resolution are having positive effects on the legal and business market of Vietnam in recent years. Thanks to the JAA seminar, ANHISA successful brought good images and impressions about VIAC and arbitration practice in Vietnam to Japanese law firms, not only Mori Hamada & Matsumoto but also lawyers and the mass community about arbitration in Japan.
March 19, 2024
March 13, 2024